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The Wish-Testimonials

“I would just like to say that even though this is the third year that we have been involved in the project, the magic of The Wish never diminishes. It is full of spectacle and wonder and is totally inspirational for the children of our diverse community who would never have the opportunity to participate in a concert with a professional orchestra."

Kerry Watson - Head of Luton Music Service



”Please see below for further select feedback, taken from the detailed evaluation reports at the bottom of the page

Children’s feedback from the concerts:

“I didn’t want to go because it was realy good”

“It made me feel young in a way that I can’t explain”

“It was good because it was different to like normal orchestras” “It was brilliant especially the acting”

"I learned that it is a bassoon not a bazooka."

"Who knew the conductor controlled how a orchestra plays!!"

“My favourite part was everything because I enjoyed fixing the orchestra and it was very relaxing.”

"I loved the oboe it sounded magical"

“Hearing the orchestra play the end song was great and that was my favourite thing.”

Primary school teachers’ feedback from the concerts:

“The experience was pitched at the right age group, it was visually interesting and interactive while helping the children to learn about the instruments in the orchestra in a fun way.”

“They learnt more about what each instrument sounded like, where they are positioned in the orchestra and most importantly they experienced the wonderful sound of them all playing together in front of them.”

“It is not often children get to see a live orchestra in action right in front of them these days. To also get to know the instruments was fantastic and I hope inspire them to go and learn one themselves.”

“The children thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience of learning the songs at school and then hearing good quality live music from an array of instruments. I had a few questions about the unfamiliar instruments. When they heard the familiar music start all of the children joined in quietly singing, it was lovely to hear it. One child thanked me for taking her to the concert! She thought it was the best thing she had ever heard.”

“Children loved the music and for some of them this was the first time seeing live orchestra. [They learned] Instrument families, pitch, volume, tempo, beat. Most of all, they got inspired (some of them) to take up a musical instrument.”


“It was a wonderful experience for children who never usually get the opportunity to see and hear a live orchestra. The workshop at school was fantastic and we were well prepared for the event. Well done to Claire for not batting an eyelid when a special needs child plonked himself on her lap while she was playing the flute.”

“They gained knowledge about the different instrument families and how each musical instrument sounded. They also learnt about rhythm, pitch and about different musical notes. The call and response was very effective.”

Orchestral player feedback:

“Claire was amazing, so natural and funny. The music was great and I’m still singing the tunes now, very catchy!”

“I really enjoyed the project and thought it was the most successful one I’ve been involved with for a long time. Would love to do more in the future!”

Commissioner feedback:

“The Wish combines musical exploration and integrity with fun and entertainment and was well pitched for the target audience. The participatory songs were lovely, clearly enjoyed by the children and staff alike and beautifully sung.”

(Sarah Derbyshire, Chief Executive, Orchestras Live)

“Some of these children will not ever have seen a live orchestra or been to a professional venue before. The children clearly valued the experience and will certainly remember it for a long time to come.”

(Charlotte Payne, Inspiring Music)

“This project was a fantastic learning experience for the children as many of them had never seen or heard an orchestra before.”

(Kerry Watson, Luton Music Service)

The Wish Evaluation Report 2019 - Orchestras Live

The Wish Evaluation Report 2018 - Orchestras Live

The Wish Evaluation Report 2017 - Orchestras Live

The Wish © 2018 John K Miles & Claire Henry. 

All music ©John K Miles MCPS/PRS

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